Friday 1 June 2012

Wednesday May 30 Hong Kong

We were up early this morning to get to the railway station by taxi and try to catch the 10 a.m. train.  We made it with enough time to get through Customs and Immigration since we were leaving Mainland China.  No problems and we arrived in Kowloon around noon.  Again, through immigration and customs and we were out of the bureaucratic maze.

Now we were on familiar ground and no problem getting on the MTR finding our way to the guest house where we dump our stuff and head for the downtown area to scare up some grub.  After wandering through the maze of skyscrapers, grabbing lunch, visiting the gigantic Apple store, taking the Star Ferry back to Kowloon, we head back to the guest house in the overcrowded MTR.

We had some serious laundry to take care of before packing for the trip home, so we were up til after midnight looking after that.  Laundry....someone has to do it!  First time we didn't do it by hand, but it took half an hour to figure out the laundry system here.  We got it done though.

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