Thursday 24 October 2013

Farewell Kenya

Even though it's our last full day in Kenya, we aren't finished yet!  Because the trip from Nakuru was so sickening, we slept in.  Needed it, and the Tylenol helped knock me out.  It doesn't take anything to knock Branden out, he is a sleep machine.  We had been notified by phone while in Nakuru that our order was in at the pharmacy across the street from where we stay.  We picked up two first aid kits, one for the orphanage in Riruta and one for the school in Kwangyare.  That many children and no way to treat them for cuts that can easily get infected.  Branden liked the kits so much, he ordered one for himself to take back home.  While at the chemist, I got some medications for decongesting the football on my shoulders.

Really feeling under the weather so took a nap after the pill until Pastor George came to pick us and take us to the orphanage.  School was just out when we arrived.  My what a flood of kids!  This visit, we got a tour of the orphanage, the sleeping quarters and the kitchen.  We saw the progress on the chicken coop and the goat pen.  It should be usable by tomorrow evening.

Branden just can't stay away from the animals.  Along with some of the school kids heading out the gate, they took some time to defoliate some shrubs for goat treats.  Branden can now get close to them as the level of trust has improved.  The goats have come from enclosures and are now enjoying some limited freedom although the nanny is tied up and her baby won't go far away from her.  I am told the resident children are so excited about the goats, they go out during their school breaks to watch them and pet them.

Everyone seems to be happy with the whole operation.  Of course the hens are still a little traumatized but they will soon settle down in their new quarters and begin to lay.

Speaking of laying, I'd just love to do that but we need to finish packing for our 5:30 departure in the morning.  Next entry will likely be from Kigali, Rwanda.  Signing off til then.

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